Suggested tariff updated to 2016 for South African Survey Practitioners
Taken from
The professional guideline fees for any work involving rights in land should be explained and the fees set out between the Professional Land Surveyor and the client.
Taking cognisance of the type, complexity and nature of the professional services to be rendered.
Suggested hourly rates for various categories
To assist in the costing of jobs, this webpage details suggested updated tariffs based on the last published tariff in 2006 plus other subsequent tariffs and hourly rates distributed among the survey community.
1) These rate would include separate charges for field assistants and specialized equipment.
2) At the end of 2015, Eskom published a list of hourly rates to be utilized by various classes of surveyors.
This updated by6% inflation listed in their service providers directory.
3) In 2010 an hourly tariff of R1500 was proposed based on comparative engineer salaries.
4) For Department of Public administration salary bands information salary bands 13,14 and 15 are used and 0.15% of gross annual salary package for salaried employees.
Comparative rates
Suggested modified rate for Cadastral Survey / Subdivision of Land / Servitudes.
The table below shows suggested rates in a graphic format with number of parcels on base and cost per parcel on vertical axis.
Table A updated by inflation and for 1 - 6 parcel projects - an increased amount reflecting increased administrative work required for smaller General plans or similar.
Suggested rates for equipment usage:
Insurance, maintenance and depreciation rates should be modified appropriately